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10 Maintenance Tips for Preparing Your Mobility Scooter for Winter

The winter season is approaching quickly and you’ll need to get your mobility scooter working at its best to face winter obstacles. Navigating through the winter season on a mobility scooter can be easier than you think, as long as your mobility scooter is working properly. The secret is to be prepared for anything and everything. Below are the top 10 maintenance tips recommended to make this winter the best yet.

10 Maintenance Tips for Preparing Your Mobility Scooter for Winter

  1. Keep it Clean -  Whether you have been using your mobility scooter all year long or you are planning to use it during the holiday season, it’s time to clean it up. Dust off the dirt and debris using a soft cotton towel. Carefully clean all surface areas including around the tires. Remove any debris or sticky substance using a cleanser that is safe for the surface of the mobility scooter.
  2. Check the Battery -  Your mobility scooter won’t work without the battery. First, you will need to check the condition of the battery charger to assure it is working properly. The owner’s manual will guide you through the process that is suited to your specific scooter model. Next, charge the battery to full capacity. Battery replacement is required if you notice the battery not lasting as long as usual.
  3. Test the Brakes -  Stopping easily and quickly is essential to staying safe while riding a mobility scooter. Test the brakes by driving the mobility scooter at the speed you usually travel and pressing the brakes quickly. Pay attention to the length of time it takes for the brakes to react. Signs such as pulling to one sight and hesitating to stop need to be taken seriously. Repair or replace the brakes immediately at the first sign of issues.
  4. Check the Tires - There are a wide variety of mobility scooter models that require different sizes and types of tires. Carefully look closely at the condition of each tire. If the tires look worn out, uneven, overused or damaged, you should repair or replace them immediately. The owner’s manual will provide tire pressure recommendations. Never exceed tire pressure requirements for safety reasons.
  5. Detect Motor Issues -  As you drive your mobility scooter pay attention to unusual noises or behavior. Motor issues need to be inspected by a professional mobility technician immediately. Neglecting to repair or replace parts can cause the issue to become a larger problem leading to costly repairs.
  6. Inspect the Seat -  The mobility scooter seat needs to be in good condition to provide comfort and stability. An overly worn seat can cause poor posture that leads to backaches and other issues. Inspect the condition of the seat and repair or replace if necessary.
  7. Replace Mirrors -  Most mobility scooter models come with mirrors that help the driver safely travel through crowds and other areas. Replace mirrors that are broken or damaged to ensure clear vision of your surroundings.
  8. Inspect the Ignition -  If the ignition doesn’t work properly the scooter won’t work either. Take a close look at the ignition. Begin by cleaning the surrounding area with a soft dry cloth. Difficulty starting the mobility scooter can be a sign of electrical issues that need to be repaired as soon as possible.
  9. Test the Steering - Harsh excessive use or an unusual storage position can lead to difficulty steering. If you notice the scooter will not turn easily or go in the direction you desire, the steering could be the issue. Only a professional mobility scooter technician is capable of pinpointing the specific issue.
  10. Find Proper Storage -  Choose a safe dry place to store your mobility scooter when it is not in use. Exposure to damp areas or water can lead to issues with electrical components. Using a plastic waterproof cover is recommended for added protection.

There are several more tips to keep you and your mobility scooter safe this holiday season. First, since the sun sets early during the winter season, it may cause darkness earlier than expected. This means that mobility scooters will spend more time navigating through dark parking lots and other areas. Most mobility scooter models come with lights for added convenience and safety. Test the lights by turning them on and off. Replacement is needed if they are dim or not working properly. If you replace the light bulbs and the lights still don’t work, an electrical issue can be the cause of the problem.

Second, mobility scooter users may also have to navigate through snow and rain during the winter months. Investing in a canopy or a rain poncho that covers the driver and the mobility scooter is recommended. General rules for navigating through snow include driving the mobility scooter at safe speeds and avoiding large puddles.

Finally, it’s important to mention that the holiday season is the busiest time of year throughout the United States. People are rushing around traveling, visiting family, shopping, and purchasing decorations, gifts and more. Malls and stores are often difficult to navigate through due to large crowds and other obstacles. Try to shop during hours and days that are known to be slower than on weekends.

If your schedule doesn’t allow you to shop on low attendance days, you can create a strategy to help you get through the crowds. Use an online map of the mall or store of your choice to pinpoint specific areas that have the things you are interested in purchasing. This will help cut the exposure to the maddening crowds down significantly.

Remember to inspect your mobility scooter before winter begins. This will allow you to have plenty of time to complete repairs.  Wheelchair and Scooter Repair  has technicians in all 50 states ready and prepared to help you with all of your repair needs. Contact WSR today to make an in-home appointment and prepare for the winter season.

Visit CWI for all your mobility needs so getting through the winter for the elderly is a safe, comfortable experience.

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