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The Connection Between Holding in Urine and Incontinence

Dealing with incontinence is a challenge that over 13 million Americans face. There are a few different types of incontinence, including total incontinence, functional incontinence, bariatric incontinence, and stress and urge incontinence. Many people wonder what causes incontinence, and if there holding in urine or waiting to pee causes incontinence. 

The Connection Between Holding in Urine and Incontinence Holding urine in for a short amount of time (for example, when there is no access to a bathroom) is not generally cause for concern. The worry surrounding waiting to urinate and incontinence arises when individuals hold their urine in for extremely long periods of time. Holding your urine for too long can lead to weakened bladder muscles if done repeatedly over time. Weakened bladder muscles can lead to incontinence, leakage, and other bladder issues. Additionally, holding in urine can cause bacteria in the bladder to build up, leading to urinary tract infections. Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, increase the risk of kidney disease, which can be fatal if left untreated.

Many people do not think twice about holding urine for extended periods of time; after a while, it may become habit. Unfortunately, the more you hold your pee and refrain from urinating, the more the muscles in your bladder will start to atrophy. Most doctors recommend emptying your bladder every three hours, but there are situations where that is not feasible. Holding in urine for an extra hour or two past the three-hour marker will likely be harmless. Complications and issues arise, however, when this becomes habitual, or when 5-10 hours go by without urinating. 

In addition to holding in urine and refraining from relieving oneself, there are other causes for incontinence. Some of these include weakened muscles due to aging, a neurogenic bladder, spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, and other disorders that affect nerve function.

People who experience incontinence need effective, reliable, and affordable urine incontinence products to help them manage their condition. CWI Medical carries a wide range of urine incontinence products and urinary leakage products to help deal with incontinence. Some of these include incontinence pads, briefs, adult diapers for incontinence, incontinence pails, incontinence pail liners, booster pads, pantiliners, bed pads, washcloths, wipes, cleansers, and more. 

While incontinence itself may be a challenge, there are also complications of urinary continence that could lead to other health issues. These include skin problems like rashes, infections, and sores; urinary tract infections; insomnia; depression; and a major impact on one’s social and personal life. If you or a loved one are one of the millions of Americans experiencing incontinence, it is important to know that you are not alone. Please seek medical attention from a healthcare professional if you are searching for help on how to deal with incontinence. 

Find all the urine incontinence products you need right here at CWI Medical. For any questions, please feel free to contact us today. 


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